Bright Minds Shine as Tomorrow’s Leaders
Integrated and well-balanced, MDCU instills strong core fundamentals. From Basic sciences, clinical knowledge and clinical practice to leadership and life skills, we build a better breed of doctors.
Excellence in Learning. Our commitment to developing upstanding physicians and future community leaders is evident in our vast medical school curriculum.
MDCU Fosters growth and adds value to every step of the way. We are inspired by our very unique student population. This is why we pride ourselves on our personalized learning environment.
Medical students are exposed to a wide array of basic research and clinical sub-specialty choices offered in affiliated community hospitals or other international medical school programs in years 1, 3 and 6.
Students Live for Today
Our diverse student population are able to enrich their lives with a good balance of medical education and student activities. At MDCU, we encourage every individual to seek out various student initiatives to join. There are so many great causes that need our help and support and our students are definitely rising to the challenge of environmental, healthcare and social issues that face our society today.